
This is a public alpha release, and therefore features and functionality may change and the software and documentation may contain technical bugs or other issues. If you discover any issues please consider registering a GitHub issue.

Applications API Reference


Please read the Developer Guide first before reading this reference; it contains examples on how to use the API.


This document provides a schema reference to the PEDASI Applications API which is used by third-party applications to request data, metadata, or provenance records from a PEDASI instance and its data sources.

API Endpoints - General

GET /api/datasources/

Implementation notes:
Retrieves the list of all data sources known to PEDASI, that the authenticated user has the ability to see. This will include some sources which they are unable to use, but have not had their details hidden.
Response class (Status 200): application/json
    "id": 0,
    "name": "string",
    "description": "string",
    "url": "string",
    "plugin_name": "string",
    "licence": {
      "name": "string",
      "short_name": "string",
      "version": "string",
      "url": "string"
    "is_encrypted": true,
    "encrypted_docs_url": "string",
    "metadata_items": [
        "field": {
          "name": "string",
          "short_name": "string"
        "value": "string"
Responses messages:
HTTP Status Code Response Reason Response Type
200 List of data sources Successful application/json

GET /api/datasources/{datasource_id}/

Implementation notes:
Retrieves the PEDASI metadata for a given data source, if the authenticated user has the ability to see it.
Parameter Description Type
datasource_id The numeric id of the data source integer
Response class (Status 200): application/json
  "id": 0,
  "name": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "url": "string",
  "plugin_name": "string",
  "licence": {
    "name": "string",
    "short_name": "string",
    "version": "string",
    "url": "string"
  "is_encrypted": true,
  "encrypted_docs_url": "string",
  "metadata_items": [
      "field": {
        "name": "string",
        "short_name": "string"
      "value": "string"
Responses messages:
HTTP Status Code Response Reason Response Type
200 Single data source Successful application/json
    "detail": "Not found."
Parameter datasource_id was not valid application/json

GET /api/datasources/{datasource_id}/metadata/

Implementation notes:
Retrieves metadata for a given data source which may include an API query to the data source, if supported by the data source. The authenticated user must have META permissions or above to access the data source. In the general case, this is implementation-specific for the data connector, in the case of a HyperCat catalogue, it presents the catalogue record for that dataset.
Parameter Description Type
datasource_id The numeric id of the data source integer
Response class (Status 200): application/json
Dependent on data source
Responses messages:
HTTP Status Code Response Reason Response Type
200 Data source metadata Successful application/json
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Data source does not provide metadata"
Data source/connector does not support metadata queries application/json
    "detail": "Not found."
Parameter datasource_id was not valid application/json
any other Error response from external data source An error occured within the external data source determined by data source

GET /api/datasources/{datasource_id}/data/?{query_string}

Implementation notes:
In the case where a data source represents a single dataset, retrieve the dataset via an API query to the data source using the given query string. The authenticated user must have permission to use the given data source.
Parameter Description Type
datasource_id The numeric id of the data source integer
query_string An ampersand-separated set of key=value pairs string
Response class (Status 200): type-specific to datasource
Dependent on data source
Responses messages:
HTTP Status Code Response Reason Response Type
200 Data source data Successful determined by data source
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Data source does not provide data"
Data source/connector does not support data queries application/json
    "detail": "Not found."
Parameter datasource_id was not valid application/json
any other Error response from external data source An error occured within the external data source determined by data source

GET /api/datasources/{datasource_id}/prov/

Implementation notes:
Retrieve all PROV records related to a single data source.
Parameter Description Type
datasource_id The numeric id of the data source integer
Response class (Status 200): application/json
  "prov": [
      "_id": {
        "$oid": "string"
      "prefix": {
        "piot": "string",
        "foaf": "string"
      "entity": {
        "string": {
          "prov:type": "string",
          "xsd:anyURI": "string"
      "activity": {
        "string": {
          "prov:startTime": "string",
          "prov:type": "string"
      "agent": {
        "string": {
          "prov:type": "string"
        "piot:app-pedasi": {
          "prov:type": "string",
          "xsd:anyURI": "string"
      "actedOnBehalfOf": {
        "_:id1": {
          "prov:delegate": "string",
          "prov:responsible": "string",
          "prov:activity": "string",
          "prov:type": "string"
Responses messages:
HTTP Status Code Response Reason Response Type
200 Data source PROV records Successful application/json
    "detail": "Not found."
Parameter datasource_id was not valid application/json

API Endpoints - Catalogues

Data catalogues are a subset of data sources which contain a number of distinct datasets.

GET /api/datasources/{datasource_id}/datasets/

Implementation notes:
Retrieves the list of dataset IDs within a catalogue, which may be via an API query to the data source, if supported by the data source. The authenticated user must have META permissions or above to access the data source. In the general case, this is implementation-specific for the data connector.
Parameter Description Type
datasource_id The numeric id of the data source integer
Response class (Status 200): application/json
    "status": "success",
    "data": [
Responses messages:
HTTP Status Code Response Reason Response Type
200 Data source list of datasets Successful application/json
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Data source does not contain datasets"
Data source/connector is not a catalogue application/json
    "detail": "Not found."
Parameter datasource_id was not valid application/json
any other Error response from external data source An error occured within the external data source determined by data source

GET /api/datasources/{datasource_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/metadata/

Implementation notes:
Specific to data sources which purport to act as catalogues of data, it retrieves metadata for a single dataset contained within the given data source in most cases via an API query to the data source (e.g. HyperCat), although is dependent on data connector implementation. The authenticated user must have permission to use the given data source.
Parameter Description Type
datasource_id The numeric id of the data source integer
dataset_id The id of the dataset within the specific data source, which may be a URI string
Response class (Status 200): application/json
Dependent on data source
Responses messages:
HTTP Status Code Response Reason Response Type
200 Dataset metadata Successful application/json
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Data source does not provide metadata"
Data source/connector does not support metadata queries application/json
    "detail": "Not found."
Parameter datasource_id was not valid application/json
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Dataset does not exist within this data source"
Parameter dataset_id did not refer to a valid dataset within this data source application/json
any other Error response from external data source An error occured within the external data source determined by data source

GET /api/datasources/{datasource_id}/datasets/{dataset_id}/data/?{query_string}

Implementation notes:
In the case where a data source represents a catalogue of datasets, retrieve a single dataset via an API query to the data source. The authenticated user must have permission to use the given data source.
Parameter Description Type
datasource_id The numeric id of the data source integer
dataset_id The id of the dataset within the specific data source, which may be a URI string
query_string An ampersand-separated set of key=value pairs string
Response class (Status 200): type-specific to datasource
Dependent on data source
Responses messages:
HTTP Status Code Response Reason Response Type
200 Dataset data Successful application/json
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Data source does not provide data"
Data source/connector does not support data queries application/json
    "detail": "Not found."
Parameter datasource_id was not valid application/json
    "status": "error",
    "message": "Dataset does not exist within this data source"
Parameter dataset_id did not refer to a valid dataset within this data source application/json
any other Error response from external data source An error occured within the external data source determined by data source