
This is a public alpha release, and therefore features and functionality may change and the software and documentation may contain technical bugs or other issues. If you discover any issues please consider registering a GitHub issue.

datasources.connectors.postcode_lookup module

This module contains a connector for UK postcode lookup.

Run as module with –import <csv file> to import a postcode database CSV.

class datasources.connectors.postcode_lookup.OnsPostcodeDirectoryConnector(location: str, api_key: Union[str, NoneType] = None, auth: Union[Callable, NoneType] = None)[source]

Bases: datasources.connectors.base.DataSetConnector

Connector for UK postcode lookup, backed by an SQL table.

get_response(params: Union[Mapping[str, str], NoneType] = None)[source]

Transparently return a response from a source API.

Parameters:params – Optional query parameter filters
Returns:Requested data / metadata - response is passed transparently
classmethod setup(filename)[source]