Source code for provenance.models

This module provides models required for the creation, storage and manipulation of PROV documents.

These PROV documents describe actions made by users and applications, allowing usage patterns to be tracked.

For details on PROV see

import enum
import json
import typing
import uuid

from django import apps
from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType
from django.db.models import QuerySet
from django.utils import timezone
from django.utils.text import slugify

import mongoengine
from mongoengine.queryset.visitor import Q
import prov.model

from core.models import BaseAppDataModel


[docs]class ProvApplicationModel: """ Dummy application model to fall back to when an action was performed via the PEDASI web interface. Also to be used as parent class of :class:`Application` to help with type hinting. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = kwargs.get('pk', 'pedasi') = kwargs.get('name', 'PEDASI') super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_absolute_url(self): """ Return the URL at which PEDASI is hosted. """ # TODO don't hardcode URL return ''
[docs]@enum.unique class ProvActivity(enum.Enum): """ Enum representing the types of activity to be tracked by PROV. """ UPDATE = 'piot:update' ACCESS = 'piot:access'
[docs]class ProvEntry(mongoengine.DynamicDocument): """ Stored PROV record for a single action. e.g. Update a model's metadata, use a model. These will be referred to by a :class:`ProvWrapper` document. """
[docs] @classmethod def create_prov(cls, instance: BaseAppDataModel, user_uri: str, application: typing.Optional[ProvApplicationModel] = None, activity_type: typing.Optional[ProvActivity] = ProvActivity.UPDATE) -> 'ProvEntry': """ Build a PROV document representing a particular activity within PEDASI. :param instance: Application or DataSource which is the object of the activity :param user_uri: URI of user who performed the activity :param application: Application which the user used to perform the activity :param activity_type: Type of the activity - from :class:`ProvActivity` :return: PROV document in PROV-JSON form """ instance_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) document = prov.model.ProvDocument(namespaces={ # TODO set PEDASI PROV namespace 'piot': '', 'foaf': '', 'xsd': '', }) entity = document.entity( # TODO unique identifier for instance 'piot:e-' + slugify(instance_type.model) + str(, other_attributes={ prov.model.PROV_TYPE: 'piot:' + slugify(instance_type.model), 'xsd:anyURI': instance.get_absolute_url(), } ) activity = document.activity( 'piot:a-' + str(uuid.uuid4()),, None, other_attributes={ prov.model.PROV_TYPE: activity_type.value } ) agent_user = document.agent( # Generate a UUID so we can lookup records belonging to a user # But not identify the user from a given record # TODO how strongly do we want to prevent user identification? # See 'piot:u-' + str(uuid.uuid5(uuid.NAMESPACE_URL, user_uri)), other_attributes={ prov.model.PROV_TYPE: 'prov:Person', } ) if application is None: application = ProvApplicationModel() agent_application = document.agent( 'piot:app-' + str(, other_attributes={ prov.model.PROV_TYPE: 'prov:SoftwareAgent', 'xsd:anyURI': application.get_absolute_url(), } ) document.actedOnBehalfOf( agent_application, # User who performs the action, on behalf of... agent_user, # User who is responsible activity, # NB: The prov library documentation suggests these are the other way round other_attributes={ prov.model.PROV_TYPE: 'piot:ApplicationAction', } ) # PROV library does not appear to be able to give a Python dictionary directly - have to go via string return cls.deserialize(content=document.serialize())
[docs] @classmethod def deserialize(cls, source=None, content: str = None, format: str = 'json', **kwargs): """ Create an instance of :class:`ProvEntry` from another instance or a string document. Used to create a :class:`ProvEntry` from a serialized PROV document. Provide one of 'source' or 'content'. :param source: Source from which to copy object :param content: Text from which to create object :param format: Format of text - e.g. JSON :return: New instance of :class:`ProvEntry` """ if source is None and content is not None and format == 'json': json_string = content else: document = prov.model.ProvDocument.deserialize(source, content, format, **kwargs) json_string = document.serialize(format='json') # PROV library does not appear to be able to give a Python dictionary directly - have to go via string prov_json = json.loads(json_string) return cls(**prov_json)
[docs]class ProvWrapper(mongoengine.Document): """ Wrapper around a single PROV record (:class:`ProvEntry`) which allows it to be easily linked to an instance of a Django model. This is managed using MongoEngine rather than as a Django model. """ #: App from which the model comes app_label = mongoengine.fields.StringField(max_length=MAX_LENGTH_NAME_FIELD, required=True, null=False) #: Name of the model model_name = mongoengine.fields.StringField(max_length=MAX_LENGTH_NAME_FIELD, required=True, null=False) # TODO should this be editable=False? Can a model PK change? # TODO can we make this behave like a primary key? #: Primary key of the model instance related_pk = mongoengine.fields.IntField(required=True, null=False) #: The actual PROV entry entry = mongoengine.fields.ReferenceField( document_type=ProvEntry ) @property def instance(self): """ Return the Django model instance to which this :class:`ProvWrapper` refers. """ model = apps.apps.get_model(self.app_label, self.model_name) return model.objects.get(pk=self.related_pk)
[docs] @classmethod def filter_model_instance(cls, instance: BaseAppDataModel) -> QuerySet: """ Get all :class:`ProvEntry` documents related to a particular Django model instance. :param instance: Model instance for which to get all :class:`ProvEntry`\ s :return: List of :class:`ProvEntry`\ s """ instance_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) return ProvWrapper.objects( Q(app_label=instance_type.app_label) & Q(model_name=instance_type.model) & Q( ).values_list('entry')
[docs] @classmethod def create_prov(cls, instance: BaseAppDataModel, user_uri: str, application: typing.Optional[ProvApplicationModel] = None, activity_type: typing.Optional[ProvActivity] = ProvActivity.UPDATE) -> ProvEntry: """ Create a PROV record for a single action. e.g. Update a model's metadata, use a model. These will create and return a :class:`ProvEntry` document. """ prov_entry = ProvEntry.create_prov(instance, user_uri, application=application, activity_type=activity_type) instance_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_model(instance) wrapper = cls( app_label=instance_type.app_label, model_name=instance_type.model,, entry=prov_entry ) return prov_entry
[docs] def delete(self, signal_kwargs=None, **write_concern): """ Delete this document and the :class:`ProvEntry` to which it refers. """ self.entry.delete(signal_kwargs, **write_concern) super().delete(signal_kwargs, **write_concern)
[docs]class ProvAbleModel: """ Mixin for models which are capable of having updates tracked by PROV records. Creates a new PROV record every time the object is modified and saved. """
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): try: # Have to read existing saved version from database existing = type(self).objects.get( changed = False for field in self._meta.fields: attr = field.attname if getattr(existing, attr) != getattr(self, attr): changed = True break except type(self).DoesNotExist: # First time this object has been saved changed = True super().save(*args, **kwargs) if changed: ProvWrapper.create_prov( self, self.owner.get_uri(), activity_type=ProvActivity.UPDATE )